News from 2021-2022

More Than $40,000 in Awards and Bursaries

Distributed by The Angel Foundation for Learning

The Angel Foundation for Learning has awarded more than $40,000 in awards and bursaries to graduating students, and elementary schools this year.

New this year was the introduction of a bursary for Indigenous Youth. Jacob Bisson and Janice Sanderson-Wilson are the first recipients of the $5,000 bursary, which were presented at the National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration scheduled on June 21, 2022.

Four students received the Tom Leon Student Bursary, valued at $5,000 a piece: Shana Abraham, Ava Chau, Chloe Cusi and Quincy Okafor.

“This year, we not only set a new record for the number of bursaries and awards that have been awarded, but also received a record number of deserving applicants, which made it extremely difficult for our review panels to make a determination,” says Mr. Yan. “We take great pride in knowing that through our Bursary and Award program, we are able to support the post-secondary aspirations of at least some students across the City of Toronto. We thank The Tom Leon Charitable Foundation, and the Leon Family, as well as other donors who continue to support these bursaries for students who are facing financial challenges. We could not do all that we do without their assistance.”

Other Award and Bursary winners included:

Bacchelli Family Bursary – Naomi Ibama

Exceptional Student Bursary – Khayouri Johnson

Mary Jane McKeen Bursary – Joy Ogbonna

Murdocca Family Literacy Bursary – Leon Li

TANDIA Bursary – Jayla Houston

AFL Music Bursary – Joshua Manrique

AFL Visual Arts Bursary – Erica Barrientos

Amy Yan Zhou

Spirit of Inclusion Award – Jahliyan Price

Nanterre Evangelista

Elementary School Awards

In addition to the student bursaries, The Angel Foundation for Learning also presented schools with awards to enhance literacy programs and materials, and purchase resources for school libraries. Receiving $500 each this year are Holy Rosary, St Joseph and St. Robert Catholic Schools.

TCDSB Community Continues to Give Back

The Holy Trinity School donated more than $1,800 to The Angel Foundation for Learning. Under the leadership of teachers Frank Severino and Timothy Martin, the grade 7 students ran the Caine's Arcade, a popular initiative that provides hours of entertainment and fun for everyone at the school.

The Superintendents’ Association celebrated the retirements of former Director of Education Rory McGuckin, former Associate Director Dan Koenig and 8 superintendents by donating $250 per person on their behalf. AFL thanks them for their donation of $2,250 to support urgent basic and essential needs for students experiencing hardships.

Celebrating the Angels in Our Student Nutrition Programs

During April, as we celebrated the many volunteers in our community, The Angel Foundation for Learning extends a special thank you to all those amazing volunteers who ensure that students have access to healthy meals and snacks every day totaling 1.2 million meals each month (over 12 million per year).

Our Student Nutrition Program heroes make a tremendous contribution daily and are truly an integral part of their local school communities. We are so grateful for all that you do to support student health and well-being.

The Angel Foundation for Learning is pleased to congratulate the winners of our random draw that took place during March-Nutrition Month:

  • Lucy Martins, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
  • Deborah Barbon, St. Albert Catholic School
  • Emily Causi, Loretto College School
  • Giovanna Maieron, St Mary Catholic Academy

The Angel Foundation for Learning joined in the celebration of Nutrition Month and the end of another successful Toonies for Tummies campaign with the Grocery Foundation, Sobey's, Metro and others. Volunteers including AFL Executive Director John Yan and TCDSB Trustee Joseph Martino were on hand to package up more than 700 grab and go snack bags, which were delivered to Father Henry Carr Catholic School. Student volunteers, along with Student Nutrition Program Coordinator Michelle White were on hand to receive and distribute the healthy snacks to students. The Foundation helps to fund over 5,000 programs across Canada. Last year close to $300K and approximately 100 schools were funded through the Toonies for Tummies campaign this year's campaign donations will benefit many of these same schools and those most in need of support.

CUPE Local 1280 Opens Hearts to Families from Ukraine

Members of CUPE Local 1280 (Facilities, Maintenance and Warehouse staff) recently donated $1,412.50 to The Angel Foundation for Learning for the Loretto Fund, which is earmarked to support students and families displaced by the war in Ukraine. The funds were raised through a 50-50 draw, which brought in more than $700, in addition to individual donations from members of CUPE. AFL thanks these Angels Among Us for the incredible compassion and generosity.

Current estimates are that more than 3 million refugees having already fled the ugly horror of war into nearby European countries and we know that families are already starting to arrive in the Toronto area, and TCDSB schools are preparing to welcome these newcomers.

The Angel Foundation has committed to increasing our Loretto Fund annual budget from $5,000 to at least $50,000, so we can meet the anticipated increase in the need for support. Established in partnership with the Loretto Sisters under the leadership of Sister Evanne Hunter, the Loretto Fund has a long history of helping TCDSB students and families who are refugees and newcomers settle into their new life.

Additional donations to the Loretto Fund are welcome, and can be sent by cheque payable to The Angel Foundation for Learning (please note on the cheque that funds are for the Loretto Fund), or online through CanadaHelps here:

Students Hold Raffle to Raise Funds

Thank you to the student leaders, and the entire St. Michael's Choid School community for raising $865 for The Angel Foundation for Learning through their recent 50-50 draw. So blessed to have so much support from students, staff and families, which allows us to help children and families in need year-round. We could not do all that we do to support those in need without the generosity and compassion of so many in our school communities.

St. Roch Celebrates Winning Library Award

Who loves reading? Looks like all the students at St. Roch Catholic School do! They were excited to hear that their school library had won

the Kathy Harding Library Award, which comes with $500 to purchase books and other reading material. Making the presentation were John Yan, Executive Director of the Angel Foundation for Learning and Kathy Harding.

Literacy Award Winners

Congratulations to the following schools, who won awards last spring to support literacy programs and resources for the school library: Our Lady of Peace, St. Benedict and St. Roch. Due to COVID restrictions at the time, the cheque presentations were postponed until the fall of 2021.

Loretto College Student Wins $2,500 Youth and Philanthropy Grant

The Angel Foundation for Learning was delighted to hear that the Foundation was being awarded a $2,500 grant from Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Canada thanks to Loretto College School student, Annalisa Mazzeo.

Special Gift for Chapel at St. Joseph Morrow Park

An original piece of artwork depicting the last supper now graces the wall of the chapel at the newly rebuilt St. Joseph Morrow Park Catholic Secondary School in North York.

Angels at Work in Scarborough

St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy in Scarborough is responding to the needs in the community by providing food hampers to families in need.

“Panther Pantry”

Supporting Families in Challenging Times